Spencer Dirks

Spencer Dirks

Spencer Dirks is a lifelong Iowan and has been the program director at KNIA/KRLS Radio in Knoxville for 15+ years. He also co-hosts a podcast called Iowa Revolution with Dr. Robert Leonard.

Appears in 34 Episodes

All about the Iowa Supreme Court's abortion ruling

Laura Belin and Dennis Hart dig into the Iowa Supreme Court's most important ruling of the year and the fallout from the decision, which will allow the state to enforc...

Major floods, another new state law challenged, targeted Iowa legislative races

Laura Belin and Spencer Dirks lead with the state's response to massive flooding across northwest Iowa, in some areas surpassing 1993 levels. Other topics discussed: A...

Immigration law blocked; new Iowa poll and Congressional candidates

Laura Belin and Spencer Dirks start with news from the federal courts related to Iowa's Texas-like immigration law and last year's school book ban and "don't say gay/t...

Sizing up the Iowa primary results; state defends immigration law in court

Laura Belin and Spencer Dirks discuss the noteworthy results from Iowa's June 4 primary elections and what they mean for November's races for Congress and the Iowa leg...

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